Salvation & Sanctification (THO300P)


Prerequisite Courses

Course Memo

Salvation and Sanctification is an intermediate-level theology course that examines the whole scope of the Christian doctrine of salvation. We will examine various Christian theological approaches to describe how salvation is accomplished in Christ and is appropriated by the believer. Our attention will be directed to the historical development of related doctrines, the Biblical sources and basis for such doctrines, and contemporary challenges to traditional viewpoints. Salvation and Sanctification focuses on a range of topics and issues that comprise the theology of salvation (soteriology). Included in the course will be treatment of sin and grace, theories of the atonement, election, calling, regeneration, union with Christ, conversion (repentance and faith), justification, sanctification, perseverance, and glorification. The purpose of the course is to equip the student to understand Biblical and classical Christian perspectives on salvation as a foundational area of theology in the history of Christian thought, and to encourage lifelong learning in theology as a means of enriching and informing the student’s own journey of faith. Prerequisites: IDS100 and 101 Christian Faith & Practice I & II

Due to the nature of the course, students should not compress this course into a short timeframe. Students are advised to schedule at least 10 weeks.

Assigned Books