Practice of Prayer (CSP231P)


Prerequisite Courses

Course Memo

Our soul’s longing for the loving presence of God finds its rest in the context of prayer. In this place of rest, our task is to recover the centrality of prayer for the Christian life, with the objective of acquiring a practice of prayer that is organic and meaningful to our personal and vocational lives.

The Psalms and the Lord’s Prayer provide the basic text for the journey toward establishing prayer as a central orientation in the life of the believer. In addition, the works of spiritual writers from Christian tradition direct the Christian today toward the dynamics of the practice of prayer.

It is the intent of this course to draw from both the biblical text and devotional material in the pursuit of understanding prayer to the Creator God, who desires our undivided devotion, and to find a deeper understanding our ourselves and our prayerful place in the world.

Assigned Books